Monday, March 16, 2009


i gonna quit for this job soon...
not becos i wan to give up...
just bcos i wan to find a better choice for myself..
the nearest place,
the suitable field for myself,
a better allowances and benefits,
a better environment,
got annual leaves,
got bonus,
can online,
can leave the office on time,
got cooler airconditioner,

pray for me...

i rely my everything on U...

show me my way....

16 mar 09

p/s: since ah beh said my look became older and older, so i decided to cut my hair today to make myself younger. but, its seems like became worst than b4. LOL.....moo moo!!! is ur fault!!!! hahahahahahahahahaahahaha....pls return my pretty look back!!! wakakakaka..


Skinny R said...

gosh. i just can't WAIT to see you!
u really went and cut your hair.

jassumine said...

really la...i am not kidding ok..really so regret to cut my hair...aiks.really ugly

i gonna quit for this job soon...
not becos i wan to give up...
just bcos i wan to find a better choice for myself..
the nearest place,
the suitable field for myself,
a better allowances and benefits,
a better environment,
got annual leaves,
got bonus,
can online,
can leave the office on time,
got cooler airconditioner,

pray for me...

i rely my everything on U...

show me my way....

16 mar 09

p/s: since ah beh said my look became older and older, so i decided to cut my hair today to make myself younger. but, its seems like became worst than b4. LOL.....moo moo!!! is ur fault!!!! hahahahahahahahahaahahaha....pls return my pretty look back!!! wakakakaka..


Skinny R said...

gosh. i just can't WAIT to see you!
u really went and cut your hair.

jassumine said...

really la...i am not kidding ok..really so regret to cut my hair...aiks.really ugly

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