Friday, March 6, 2009

the fourth day

a dark blue flowery dress for my working wear today...
its simple but i like it very much bcos i felt comfortable when i wore it...
my working time suppose till 5.30pm only..but..
i left only at 7am..why?
my boss dint ask me for staying late
is myself who delayed my off time [not becos i am hardworking]
as i cant find the balances that i did the breakdown for each expenses items...sigh..
at the beginning, i was sitting on my chair to do my works..
however, when i realised i cant make the figures correctly, i was nervous till i started to stand there to find out the solutions..
again, bulky of payment voucher files which from jan till dec were fully occupied my whole table that i needed to view them in eyeful..poor eyes..
as i was doing my work on manually, of cos i was using pencil, ruler, rubber and calculator to do it..
indirectly, both of my hand ended up with dusts and became black...yulk!! so dirty...i hate it...
no more pretty pretty nails on my fingers...sigh...

my eyelid started to fall down again...aiks..
dont know why i am not in a right mood now...
i am tired but i cant sleep....
Am i think too much??
i also dont know...

anyway, i still need to work for tml...
There are still a lots of tasks are waiting for me...
poor mine~

i gonna miss my mum...

i want to go back~~T.T
sob sob....

heavenly papa, pls console my heart right now...
i need you, my dear....

my mind is starting blur again...

stop thinking any anymore!!!!




kuankuan said...


Skinny R said...

find u lunch.

jassumine said...

find me lunch!!!!!i am waiting u here...

a dark blue flowery dress for my working wear today...
its simple but i like it very much bcos i felt comfortable when i wore it...
my working time suppose till 5.30pm only..but..
i left only at 7am..why?
my boss dint ask me for staying late
is myself who delayed my off time [not becos i am hardworking]
as i cant find the balances that i did the breakdown for each expenses items...sigh..
at the beginning, i was sitting on my chair to do my works..
however, when i realised i cant make the figures correctly, i was nervous till i started to stand there to find out the solutions..
again, bulky of payment voucher files which from jan till dec were fully occupied my whole table that i needed to view them in eyeful..poor eyes..
as i was doing my work on manually, of cos i was using pencil, ruler, rubber and calculator to do it..
indirectly, both of my hand ended up with dusts and became black...yulk!! so dirty...i hate it...
no more pretty pretty nails on my fingers...sigh...

my eyelid started to fall down again...aiks..
dont know why i am not in a right mood now...
i am tired but i cant sleep....
Am i think too much??
i also dont know...

anyway, i still need to work for tml...
There are still a lots of tasks are waiting for me...
poor mine~

i gonna miss my mum...

i want to go back~~T.T
sob sob....

heavenly papa, pls console my heart right now...
i need you, my dear....

my mind is starting blur again...

stop thinking any anymore!!!!




kuankuan said...


Skinny R said...

find u lunch.

jassumine said...

find me lunch!!!!!i am waiting u here...

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