Wednesday, March 4, 2009

my third day of job

i was overslept this morning becos of my careless..

forgetful and tired me forgot to set my alarm...

i supposed need to wake up at 6am

unfortunately, i wake up at 6.45am..

but luckily, i still manage to get ready before sia sia jie reached here to fetch me.

thanks god..

of cos, i need to skip my milo, laundry, full set apply of skin care, contact lens....

then i jus used 15 mins to prepare myself...

i really feel that i became difference since i start to work..

the job is a boring job with full of accounts, couples of numbers, figures, amounts...

and keep reviewing all the related thick and heavy doc files...

can u imagine that my office table will be full of file there when i started to do my audit works...

the worst is i dont have any personal pc eventhough a desktop..

thats mean, all my audit work done by manually....

see how boring and pity for my job..~~~sigh...

but i still need thanks god bcos i got his angel guardians who fetch me to and back from office..

if not, i think i will resign my job just after first day of my working

my mind and brain so blur blur..

i cant think well now..cos i am sleepy and tired..

i wanna sleep lu....

bye bye heavenly papa

U must take k of my working day for tml...

Give me more wisdoms to manage my works..

thanks god!!

i need more stronger stamina and energy from U..

thanks god...

i need a good rest..

thanks god..

i want to sleep well without any nightmare or dreams..

thanks god..

Dun let me oversleep again...

thanks papa..

remember wake me up oh~~~hhahaha..

good nite papa~~~


mine mine


4 mar 09


FungFung said...

gambade gal,
but dun worry,
no matter how, we r still by ur side ;-)

kuankuan said...


Skinny R said...

i wonder who ever loves their job. minority do.

“过渡期”... adapt to it slowly, girl.

jassumine said...


i was overslept this morning becos of my careless..

forgetful and tired me forgot to set my alarm...

i supposed need to wake up at 6am

unfortunately, i wake up at 6.45am..

but luckily, i still manage to get ready before sia sia jie reached here to fetch me.

thanks god..

of cos, i need to skip my milo, laundry, full set apply of skin care, contact lens....

then i jus used 15 mins to prepare myself...

i really feel that i became difference since i start to work..

the job is a boring job with full of accounts, couples of numbers, figures, amounts...

and keep reviewing all the related thick and heavy doc files...

can u imagine that my office table will be full of file there when i started to do my audit works...

the worst is i dont have any personal pc eventhough a desktop..

thats mean, all my audit work done by manually....

see how boring and pity for my job..~~~sigh...

but i still need thanks god bcos i got his angel guardians who fetch me to and back from office..

if not, i think i will resign my job just after first day of my working

my mind and brain so blur blur..

i cant think well now..cos i am sleepy and tired..

i wanna sleep lu....

bye bye heavenly papa

U must take k of my working day for tml...

Give me more wisdoms to manage my works..

thanks god!!

i need more stronger stamina and energy from U..

thanks god...

i need a good rest..

thanks god..

i want to sleep well without any nightmare or dreams..

thanks god..

Dun let me oversleep again...

thanks papa..

remember wake me up oh~~~hhahaha..

good nite papa~~~


mine mine


4 mar 09


FungFung said...

gambade gal,
but dun worry,
no matter how, we r still by ur side ;-)

kuankuan said...


Skinny R said...

i wonder who ever loves their job. minority do.

“过渡期”... adapt to it slowly, girl.

jassumine said...


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